Third Bell at Wymeswold (just pulling off at handstroke)
Ropes at St. Paul’s Cathedral
Charmborough Ring

I learned to ring in 1973 at St. Nicholas Church, Fyfield in Essex.  It has been a brilliant hobby: I have met hundreds of wonderful people during my ringing career and rung at many towers in the UK and abroad.  I have rung peals for many guilds, but mostly for the Essex Association, the Beverley & District Ringing Society, and the Yorkshire Association, and have served as an officer in several roles in the latter two.  From 2002 – 2005, I was President of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers, which is the body that represents all ringers.  I am currently a Trustee of the Beverley & District Society Bell Repair Fund and a member of the Leicester Diocesan Guild.  

In these pages, there are some articles about ringing, including some associated with learning and teaching ringing, and a collection of peal and quarter peal compositions.  Ringers will know what these are about.  If you are not a ringer, then I really recommend giving it a go to see if you like it.  For me, it has provided challenge, enjoyment, and friendship for nearly fifty years.

Teaching Ringing
Casting a new bell at Taylor’s Foundry, Loughborough, 2018
Bell ready for testing at Taylor’s Foundry, Loughborough 2018